Software development

Natural Language Processing applications and use cases for business

By 27 July 2022December 1st, 2022No Comments

Now let’s also say you want to retrieve all customer calls regarding service disruptions. Natural language processing is the capacity of software to understand human speech in voice and text. That help identify and redact patient’s personal information from clinical trial files and databases. Medical/health records consist of sensitive patient information and confidential details of the treatments and drugs. Furthermore, it allows healthcare professionals to freely capture and manage unstructured data so that they can record it, share it, or process it as needed.

NLP use cases

The algorithm uses word frequency, the relevance of phrases, and other parameters to arrive at the summary. Manual text summarization is often development of natural language processing very expensive and time-consuming and a tedious job. The large amount of text data available in today’s modern world of big data is enormous.

Why use NLP?

The Python programing language provides a wide range of tools and libraries for attacking specific NLP tasks. Many of these are found in the Natural Language Toolkit, or NLTK, an open source collection of libraries, programs, and education resources for building NLP programs. Word sense disambiguation is the selection of the meaning of a word with multiple meanings through a process of semantic analysis that determine the word that makes the most sense in the given context.

NLP use cases

Another fascinating reason to use the Natural Language Processing technology is to form communication between individuals and modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, etc. From ideation to launch, we follow a holistic approach to full-cycle product development. We help you digitally transform and scale your business through the power of technology and innovation.

NLP Use Cases in Finance: Making Sense of the Data

This expression means the activity to search and compare information like transportation rates, fuel rates, and other benchmark rates that are necessary to compare costs and identify cost-saving opportunities. Relevant data can be also extracted and directly put into accounting documentation by saving further time, and money . Procurement and logistics are the main examples of NLP use cases in manufacturing. Every day, industries have to handle millions of bills, invoices, delivery notes, and other similar documents at any stage of the supply chain. According to the magazine International Banker, the reason for the boom of NLP use in banking is that most financial information is incorporated in written documents .

For example, word sense disambiguation helps distinguish the meaning of the verb ‘make’ in ‘make the grade’ vs. ‘make a bet’ . It is vital for emergency departments to have complete data quickly, at hand. For example, the delay in diagnosis of Kawasaki diseases leads to critical complications in case it is omitted or mistreated in any way. As proved by scientific results, an NLP based algorithm identified at-risk patients of Kawasaki disease with a sensitivity of 93.6% and specificity of 77.5% compared to the manual review of clinician’s notes. Another exciting benefit of NLP is how predictive analysis can give the solution to prevalent health problems.

Data exfiltration is a breach that involves unauthorized data copying through malware that is launched through specific domains. Other NLP use cases in healthcare include handling PHI and cross-referencing symptoms. Chatbots for recruitment purposes are used to automate communication between recruiters and candidates. They usually use NLP capabilities in order to schedule interviews, answer candidates’ questions about the position or recruitment process, or even facilitate onboarding. Grammar correction tools, such as Grammarly, use NLP techniques in order to scan a text, check for language errors, and give suggestions on which corrections should be made. Supported languagesDiscover the 30+ languages supported by our platform.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) vs Natural Language Understanding (NLU) vs Natural Language Generation (NLG)

For this, many physicians are shifting from handwritten notes to voice notes that NLP systems can quickly analyse and add to EMR systems. By doing this, the physicians can commit more time to the quality of care. NLP or Natural Language Processing in healthcare presents some unique and stimulating opportunities. It provides a glide through the vast proportion of new data and leverages it for boosting outcomes, optimising costs, and providing optimal quality of care. The Epic App Orchard, now known as the Epic App market, is a marketplace where third-party vendors and Epic customers can find Epic-integrated apps.

  • The recorded calls are used for the NLP systems to learn from the database and provide improved and personalized services in the future.
  • However, it would be best to seek professional expertise from a reliable AI and ML software development company to gain tailored analytics and insights.
  • That might work decently well, but how about those calls where the customer mentioned “disruption” without the word “service” or “outage” instead of “disruption”?
  • Another “virtual therapist” started by Woebot connects patients through Facebook messenger.
  • The thing is – being able to find the information you need is one of the primary tasks in almost any field of activity.
  • NLP AI bots can also track customers to discover their preferences, tastes, and needs.
  • We outline low-budget innovative strategies, identify channels for rapid customer acquisition and scale businesses to new heights.

The stuff which users interact with more gets a more significant share than the stuff users ignore. With NLP algorithms, you can build a monitoring system that will adjust the service to the needs and preferences of the particular user. But if not – the platform can be perceived as toxic and make users want to change to something different. If used for external research purposes, it requires an additional component of a scraper.

Predicting Mortality — an approach towards Imbalanced Classification using CatBoost Classifier

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Language models are AI models which depend on NLP to assist in determining how to produce human-like text and discourse. Language models are used for machine interpretation, grammatical form labeling, optical character recognition , penmanship acknowledgment, etc. The powerful benefits of AI and NLP are not just limited to detecting urgency on text. In the current digital landscape, NLP based applications and software are being leveraged in every industry for every aspect of emergency management. The uses of Natural Language Processing are as extensive as you use them. The NLP-based urgency detection model is customized and trained by enterprises to recognize certain words and expressions denoting discontent and gravity.

One of the novel findings in this field was developed at Cornell University. The authors suggest that pre-trained language models do not need many labeled examples. EHR, manual records, clinical trial data, and patient history are several ways to identify the effectiveness of a particular treatment on a unique patient.

Once started, data mining can become a cyclic technology for knowledge discovery, which can help any HCO create a good business strategy to deliver better care to patients. The market is almost saturated with speech recognition technologies, but a few startups are disrupting the space with deep learning algorithms in mining applications, uncovering more extensive possibilities. NLP applications are present in the majority of data processing operations, especially in those that need analysis and generation of content. In this article, we will take a closer look at the major business applications of this technology. Recently, business intelligence and analytic vendors have started to add NLP capabilities to their product offerings.

The NLP-empowered search engine retrieves the elements, concepts, and notions present in these documents to obtain valuable investment data. Is primarily used for risk management and alpha generation in the finance world. Institutions like the Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase rely on this technology. Compliance and risk managers, data scientists, quantitative investors, and many others utilize it for scanning through financial documents, thereby gaining imperative insights.

NLP use cases

Text generator can handle this by only doing its job with the available data and zero bias. There are many ways text generation can be useful in different aspects of business operation. Often, the generated text is a result of the distillation of other content, which includes a summarization and not exactly the creation of the distinct piece. If you want to read more on Conversational UI, we’ve got an entire article about it. Instead of relying on strict commands, machines are learning to interact with people on people’s terms. For instance, a couple of algorithms can save many hours of manual work and make it easy for the non-tech specialist to handle data on their own.

Pharma Literature Mining for Drug Development

For instance, Appiventiv developed an AI-bot chat assistant based on Natural Language Processing to integrate in web and mobile banking applications of a global bank. This helped the bank with resolving customer complaints in real time, taking quick action on stolen credit cards or any theft and enhancing customer service to its maximum potential. The texts, images, and videos that cannot be represented in a graphical or tabular format make unstructured data. Now unstructured data wouldn’t be of any use for businesses If not analyzed and structured. Therefore, we need NLP to process, organize, and interpret this unstructured data.

Latest NLP Trends in Healthcare

NLP-based chatbots are smart to understand the language semantics, text structures, and speech phrases, enabling them to analyze a vast amount of unstructured data and comprehend it. NLP is capable of understanding expressions across languages which makes a bot more capable of understanding different nuances. Over time these chatbots gain the ability to interpret abbreviations and slang. Not only can they converse with humans but also understand human emotions and behavior, providing a more personalized experience to the customers. In operations like customer service or invoice processing, human resources can be reduced to a great extent with NLP-based chatbots. It helps increase the overall productivity, employee efficiency and cut down the human dependency.

For example, NLP will permit phenotypes to be defined by the patients’ current conditions instead of the knowledge of professionals. Many health IT systems are burdened by regulatory reporting when measures such as ejection fraction are not stored as discrete values. Or, it can be used as a newsfeed filler so that the journalist can concentrate on research and analysis of the situation. Besides that, summarization can be used to fill social media and newsletters with reliable content.

Discoveries and Innovations in Medical Practices:

This approach would essentially convert your unstructured text data into structured data which will be stored as either a relational or non-relational database. The problem is that this approach requires intensive manual annotation and is restricted to a fixed tagging schema. What if you decide a year later to divide the “service disruption” category into “dropped calls” and “power outages”?

Abstraction-based summarization – This creates new phrases by paraphrasing the original content. This approach is more common and performs better in automating business processes. For instance, Mudra is a chatbot app that provides budget management solutions to millennials, thus reducing costs and revolutionizing the traditional financial money management process. Customer service and experience is the most crucial part of any business. Using Natural Language Processing, the recruiters can find the suitable candidates easily and conveniently. The techniques such as name entity recognition and information extraction run by NLP are used to extract location, name, skills, and experience.

NLP assists in turning unstructured data in databases and documents into structured data and extracting relevant insights through pattern recognition . NLP is a growing field with an incredible number of real-world applications. NLP is a subset of artificial intelligence that assists systems in understanding natural language or human language. Computers understand programming languages that are very straightforward and do not have exceptions. Human languages are diverse, with hidden meanings, exceptions, and subjectivity. A computer cannot naturally understand the nuances of grammar and different meanings, and this is where NLP comes into play.